Survivor Suman
Suman. Click for bigger pic!
In an industry fraught with professional dangers, Suman, the man from south Karnataka who debuted in Tamil and went on to become a household name in Telugu cinema, has proved to be a heck of a survivor, having made it through scandal in the late eighties with his reputation intact.
At the outset, Suman had stardom offered to him on a platter, being offered a role in the Tamil film Neechal Kulam by T R Ramanna on a film set he was visiting out of curiosity. And he went from strength to strength later even using his training in martial arts to good effect.
Now, over 150 films old, with many successes behind him, including the Andhra Pradesh best actor award for Bava Bavamaridi and a special jury award for the role of Lord Venkateswara he played in Annamayya, Suman now seeks to explore new frontiers. His forthcoming films include D Rama Naidu's Pedda Manushulu.
In an informed chat with Suman, when was just back home from a Kannada film shoot, S B Mirza found the actor a rare mix of good looks, good physique and an unassuming nature.
With Ramya. Click for bigger pic!
Why do you show up in fewer Telugu films these days?
It could be because I've once again become busy in Kannada films. But I'm always game for an interesting role in an interesting film. Of course, lack of dates could be another reason... After Jackie Chan and a couple of very successful Kannada action films, I became busy there.
Do you want to slowly confine yourself only to Kannada films?
No, not at all, I want to act in all South Indian language films and in Hindi. In fact, I started my career with a Tamil film. Being a Kannadiga raised in Madras. I became fluent in Tamil and Kannada. Now I am fluent in Telugu, thanks to my long and continuous association with Telugu cinema. I feel at home doing a film in any of these languages. I'd love to do a Malayalam film too.
What Kannada films are you doing?
The films I am doing in Kannada are action films, Billa Ranga, Killer etc.
How about your Telugu films?
Suman in Annamayya. Click for bigger pic!
Pedda Manushulu is slated for release shortly. Of the films released in Telugu recently, Swarna Mukhi is doing well and my Seivarante Maavaare has also fared well.
What kind of roles do you like to play?
I've played a cop in several films and my work was well appreciated by the audience. Apart from such action roles. I love to do a role that reflects Indian culture. Besides, I also like do the role of a common man -- a middle class office-goer, a middle-class family man. I prefer to retain the ordinariness associated with the role. I'd like to do an art film too.
You are liked for your action sequences. Why did you begin doing them?
I earned a black belt in karate while at college. This knowledge and training gave me the confidence to do my own stunts without using a duplicate. That's why people liked my action scenes. Of late, however, I've stopped doing serious stunts following advice from seniors and well-wishers. They told me there is a risk of an accident that could disrupt the shooting schedule and make the producers lose money.
Click for bigger pic!
What do you have to say about vulgarity in songs, dance and dialogues in modern films?
I don't like obscenity either in songs or dances. Also in dialogues. If the story has a scene that has dialogues regarding love or mature sex, the impact would be better if the words are subtle and the actions subdued. But crude and blunt dialogues tickle only a few sections, leaving a bad taste in the mouth of the others. Anyway, censors should take due care to contain such awkward scenes.
Of course, I firmly believe the director is the captain of the ship, and if the producer and the director feel a particular scene should be done in a particular way, I feel I should pose no problems. Besides, the directors tend to tell me the masses like it that way. Anyway, I oblige. But the trend is slowly changing and neat and clean entertainment is being well received by both the classes and masses. Swarna Mukhi belongs to this genre.
Who are your favourite stars?
I like Sivaji Ganesan and the late NTR among the veterans, and Kamal Haasan and Sridevi of the current crop.