The Rediff Budget Columns
Demolishing the poor, sparing the rich
Yashwant Sinha should have left food subsidies untouched and focused on aggressive privatisation, downsizing of public sector units and desubsidisation of higher education,' says Dilip Thakore.
Hail Sinha for offering a Budget for the new economy
"Yashwant Sinha has obviously made up his mind that the future of India lies not in the commodity economy of the past but in the ideas economy of tomorrow," says Pritish Nandy.
A business-as-usual Budget
"Under the Indira Awas Yojana, it is proposed to provide 1.2 million houses, said Sinha. Shouldn’t he tell us how many rural houses have been built thus far? I'm prepared to bet not even 120,000 houses. If so, isn’t a target of 1.2 million homes an unattainable pie in the sky?" says Dilip Thakore.
Budget blues
Devangshu Datta calculates the Gross Domestic Product based on three deficit estimates from the Budget papers and gets three different figures!
Sinha delivers on his promise to 'bite the bullet'
As the market digests the Budget, the reaction over the next few
days would be matured and a rally cannot be ruled out. In a sense,
the market has discounted most Budget proposals, says R C Murthy.

Go for the old economic guard's jugular, Mr FM
The annual budget presentation offers myriad opportunities to finance ministers to obfuscate core issues and to confuse the people. But by focussing upon core issues, citizens can judge
whether the forthcoming budget is a truly millennium presentation," says Dilip Thakore.
Friendly tips for budget-happy FM
"The reservation of labour-intensive sectors to small-scale enterprises should be scrapped. This will give India a chance to provide stiff international competition in labour-intensive exports to countries such as China," say Harvard economists Nirupam Bajpai and Jeffrey D Sachs.
Time to 'bite the bullet' nears for Sinha
2000 is not a crisis year like 1991. Yet, an impression that something cataclysmic is likely to happen, is being created. It could be part of an official strategy to make the public discount in advance possible unpalatable budgetary measures, says R C Murthy.
Dun & Bradstreet Budget Special |
The Run-up
Budget Process |
Budget Hotlinks |
NDA Government & Economy
Official Web site of the Ministry of Finance: Budget 2000 document
Ministry of Finance: Economic Survey 1999-2000
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