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August 23, 2003 |



Life… or sem-thing like it!
Eight-year-old child model and actress Saakshi Sem showcases her passion for photography with her very first exhibition.


August 21, 2003 |



The accidental community
You were an island, cut off from the community except the accidental ones that formed at a traffic light, or a front stoop.
Unwired in a wireless world
I would have taken a cab if I had gotten one, but the good old desi mentality of making a quick buck was alive and well Blackout Thursday.
The Long March Home
There was something quite charming about trudging with the masses, the hundreds of thousands of people making their way downtown, towards the Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges.'


August 20, 2003 |



Down to the wire
Civilization, when you cut through the hype and got down to brass tacks, was nothing more than something called 'electricity' running through a wire.
The light of the heart
In such unusual days of darkness and tragedy, our inner eye opens up and sees everyone as one. When daylight breaks, we look with our outer eyes and see each other's color, race, religion and the like. Then slowly 'I' begins to replace 'We.'
A starry night at Hackensack
'Even in India power cuts never affect so many states at the same time. Ours may be a Third World country, but we are better than this.'
'I bet this happens in India'
'My God,' whispered a desi, who looked like a student, into my ears. 'If anything happens this time Indians will be in trouble, God damn Hemant Lakhani.'


August 18, 2003 |



'China is the cruellest country in the world'
'We don't believe in violence. But the Chinese government calls us terrorists. They call us American agents. We have nothing to do with America. We want our separate homeland,' says Aziz in broken Urdu.
Sachin's heart could have lived on
Lack of awareness and inadequate retrieval rules result in fewer organ donations, reports Kirti Pandey.


August 15, 2003 |



A land with no borders
"I hope a day will come," says Alam, "when you go to the border, show your passport and the other side will say, 'Please come in.'"


August 13, 2003 |



'Why are you supporting the US?'
Young Muslims who traveled to the US on a study trip find convincing Muslims that Americans aren't villains is a tough sell.


August 12, 2003 |



'I believe he is imprisoned in a Pakistani jail'
An Indian Air Force Antonov AN-12-BL-534, carrying six Air Force and 92 Army personnel, went missing in February, 1968. Flight Sergeant A D Somasundaram was on the flight. His wife believes he is still alive.


August 11, 2003 |



'Please help this old lady locate her husband'
There has been no news about Flight Sergeant A D Somasundaram who left home on February 7, 1968. His wife, who has been searching for him for the last 35 years, wants closure.


August 7, 2003 |



A word's worth
Shyam Bhatia on what it takes for a word to be included in the Holy Grail of the English language, the Oxford English dictionary.


August 01, 2003 |



The Afghan Initiative
India has enhanced its involvement in Afghanistan. New Delhi currently spends around $100 million on various projects and $70 million on the reconstruction of a 213-kilometer road.


