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March 8, 2004 |



'I'm very opposed to our war in Iraq'
'As time has gone by and we have seen what a terrible mistake has been made, more and more people are coming forward with more courage to say this is wrong.' Jane Fonda, exclusive to rediff.com.
The EC wins when they lose badly
Losers lose not just their hearts in elections but also, sometimes, their money. But the gainer is always the Election Commission
Healing hearts
'All this is organised by a Jewish organisation. The airfare for the children and their parents is being taken care of by a Christian organisation. The patients are Muslims and the operation is being done in India, a secular country.'


March 5, 2004 |



Godhra case hits a dead-end
'The rulers in Gandhinagar and Delhi have lost political interest in the Godhra investigations,' one police officer admitted, 'specially after the peace moves with Pakistan.'
A Q Khan fall guy for Musharraf: Benazir
'Khan was asked to fall on the sword in the name of national interest, which means cover up for Musharraf,' says former prime minister Benazir Bhutto in a world exclusive interview.


