The Samajwadi Party on Friday threatened to field its nominee against Congress candidate Priya Dutt from a Mumbai constituency in case Congress fielded its candidate against Sanjay Dutt in Lucknow.
"The Samajwadi Party has decided not to field its candidate against Priya Dutt. But if Congress fields its candidate in Lucknow from where Sanjay Dutt has been made the SP candidate, we would do the same against Priya Dutt", Amar Singh told newspersons in Lucknow after a meeting of SP national executive.
He said the party has asked its Maharashtra chief Abu Azmi to finalise the number of seats to be contested in that state but threatened that if Congress fields its candidate against Azmi, SP would contest on all seats against the senior Congress leaders there.
Besides UP and Maharashtra, SP would also field its candidates in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttarakhand and Orissa, Amar Singh said. Briefing the media of the political resolution passed in the executive meeting, Singh said the SP is of the opinion that Congress would regret its decision of going it alone in Uttar Pradesh and vowed to fight communal forces.