As polling for the 15th Lok Sabha election came to an end on Wednesday, exit polls conducted by varoius television channels indicated that the Congress has a slender advantage over its rival, the Bharatiya Janata Party, with the Third Front and others playing catch-up.
Following is the assessment by the various agencies/channels.
Exit Poll Source |
135-150 |
145-160 |
110-130 |
70-100 |
Times Now |
183 |
198 |
- |
162 |
Headlines Today |
180 |
191 |
38 |
134 |
India TV |
194 |
195 |
108 |
46 |
News X |
191 |
199 |
104 |
48 |
UTVi |
189 |
195 |
- |
14 |
Star News |
196 |
199 |
100 |
36 |
Mumbai Satta-Bazar |
190-200 |
160-180 |
- |
- |
Gujarat Satta-Bazar |
200 |
270 |
- |
- |
Rajasthan Satta-Bazar |
125 |
145 |
- |
- |
Congress (in house) |
168 |
205 |
- |
164 |
BJP(in house) |
220 |
170 |
- |
153 |